Monday, February 26, 2018

Why am I writing this?

I put this blog on a real blog this week. I've been writing for a few months without sharing it with anyone, but I decided to share this week. And I've thought a lot about why I want to share this with the world.

Most of all, I want my hearing friends to learn along with me. I want them to be comfortable meeting a deaf person because they've read my experiences.

I hope people will have their faith lifted as they see the blessings and miracles in our lives. I hope people will resolve to serve the Lord in whatever circumstances because of the tough things we push through. This calling is a great opportunity and adventure for our family, but there's also an element of sacrifice. I write to remind myself that the Kingdom of God is worth sacrificing for.

And, I write because I want to tell people stories, but nobody wants me to call and talk their ear off all day. Because there are just so many experiences.

1 comment:

  1. You are AWESOME and I am LOVING your blog. I first learned about it a week or two ago when you put it in your weekly letter, and I started at the beginning and have been reading a few entries at a time, and it has helped me feel the spirit and feel motivated myself to look for the ways that God interacts in my life. <3
