Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Counting my blessings!

I was just doing the laundry, fishing Marriner's white shirts out of the dryer before they got wrinkly. A rustle of a grumble started in the back of my mind about how my life would be easier if my husband didn't wear so darn many white shirts! You know, I have to catch them right as they finish drying and hang them up right away, or they get wrinkly, and don't even get me started on how bad I am at that....

Woah, what if we'd been living this life 30 years ago before the advent of wrinkle-free shirts! What if I had to IRON all those white shirts!

(Not to mention that Marriner's dress code at work would have been more formal...more shirts to iron!! Ack!!)

Wow, I'm feeling so lucky all of a sudden :)

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