Saturday, March 21, 2020

Day 8: A plot twist...

Yesterday afternoon, Jane woke up from her nap with a fever! Yikes!

My first reaction was...anger. We've been home and avoiding everyone for a week, and someone STILL gets sick?!? Now that just ain't fair. 

But once I cooled off :) :) ..... We remind ourselves that this is probably NOT coronavirus. We don't need to worry. But, since we can't get a test....(frustration starts to rise at how ridiculous that is...then shove it aside again with a few calming breaths...) we'll just have to assume we're contagious and full-on quarantine for 2 weeks.

So we called our neighbor and let her know one of the kids was sick, and we couldn't go jump on the tramp with them any more. We looked at our food supplies to make sure we were good for a couple weeks. We didn't sign up to volunteer at our church food distribution for needy people on Saturday. We ended thoughts of going to visit any friends we wanted to reach out to. And we even ended thoughts of going for walks in the park or playing tennis. 

I've realized that I have a few stress-soothing go-to's:
  • Eating
  • Buying something
  • Set up something fun with a friend.
Since I don't want to get fat, or poor, and I can't get together with any friends right now, this is a great opportunity to develop some new stress-reduction strategies :) I'm glad we started exercising. Even though my legs are STILL SORE!

Ok, actually, we're thinking of buying something to help us feel better :) We're thinking of subscribing to a Zoom pro membership, so we can become virtual-party central :)

That would help me feel better! :)

Today is Saturday. We decided to give the kids a day off from structure and just let them do whatever they want. They're loving having a day off. Which is a really funny thing to stay from people who barely remember what day of the week it is.

But before they got the day off, we had to clean the house - it gets messier when 8 people spend all day here, instead of 3. And then we did our first ever house disinfecting. We mixed bleach and water in a spray bottle according to the CDC recipe. We sprayed every surface we could think of, waited 10 minutes, then everyone went around and wiped them off. It wasn't too bad. One does always wonder if it does any good - nothing looks different! -  but we're trying to do our part around here.

Jane was already starting to act better by bed time last night, and when I checked her before I went to bed at 10, she didn't have a fever any more. That was the stinkin' fastest fever I ever saw! She woke up very chipper today. And I'm not so glum about being quarantined for 2 weeks. I'll call Jane's dr. on Monday and make sure she doesn't need a test or anything. But otherwise, we'll just move forward with our virtual lives!

Marriner and I had a fun date night last night - we went on a virtual tour of the Brittish Museum, thanks to someone who made a list of museums with online tours and posted it on FB at the beginning of the shutdown. It was pretty fun. Then we "walked" around the Musee D'Orsay for a bit. They have some nice art. :)

A friend from Manila asked me how I was doing yesterday. I told her how we were doing well, and the kids were staying busy with school work. In the Philippines, they don't yet have internet in most homes, so they are in the same boat as we are, but WITHOUT INTERNET. Just think on that one for a minute. What a blessing that we have internet.

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