Friday, March 20, 2020

COVID-19 Day 6-7: Behavior challenges

I think the honeymoon is over, the kids are (very understandably) having a little less fun than they were before. It's Friday morning. The weather is beautiful.They would really rather not be stuck inside doing school work or having structure.

Yesterday, we told the kids they needed to do their weekly chore (cleaning a bathroom, mopping a floor, cleaning the car...they all have an assignment.) At the end of the day, everyone was exhausted and dirty from playing basketball, gaga, and jumping on the neighbor's trampoline...but interestingly, nobody'd found time to do their chore. Hmm... Today, a lot of other little means of pushing the limits are going on. My kids all think I'm mean. I think there's no way they act like this at school.

Yes. Very predictable. But still, it has to be passed with every transition. Or, we could just not pass it and give in to chaos and unhealthy living...but somehow, that's just not my style :)

The Met Opera is streaming broadcasts that you used to have to pay $15 to watch in a theater. They put it up at 7:30, and it's there until 3:30 the next day. For some reason, last night I decided to start La Traviata, which is (ack) 3 hours long. It's 11:30am and I'm halfway through now...not sure I'm going to make it. Lillian and Ellis are enjoying the show, but understandably find the genre a little...weird... It's an acquired taste. The plot holes are tough to swallow. Oh well. :) Next week, they're showing all Wagner, and ain't nobody got time for that much opera, so at least I don't have to worry about getting sucked into any more for a while. But if Tosca or Marriage of Figaro comes up the week after that, we might be in trouble.

And there's a Josh Groban concert on FB today at 4pm, and Brad Paisley was yesterday, and....I guess lots of people without kids have free time to stop and enjoy this stuff, but I'm just missing it all. Which is exactly how life is. You just take the opportunities you can fit in your time, and let the others pass.

We made Marriner a cute little sign to put on our bedroom door (his office is in there) that says "on the phone" so that we won't barge in and interrupt his conversations. He laughed when we gave it to him, but it's been useful - he's on the phone a lot right now! Who would have guessed?

I decided Sam needs more than 30 min of school a day, for his sanity and mine. So we looked at a bunch of the opportunities he has available right now and picked some for him to work on. He picked art (Lunchtime doodles with Mo Willems), typing (Dance Mat typing games) and computer programming (Khan academy). It's been a better day for him so far.

But I did have one exciting thing happen! I got a voucher from the airline for our canceled trip to Paris for the price of the ticket, so I hope we can reschedule our trip! If my parents don't go back to France, maybe we can visit my sister in London? Or maybe we'll all still be stuck in our homes until school starts...but I'm not going there, so for now, I'll just dream of seeing Europe!!

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