Tuesday, March 17, 2020

COVID-19 Day 4: I'm sore!

Something I love about our new lifestyle: time to be active and exercise!

And...now I'm sore :)

But, despite my discomfort, I rode my bike to the grocery store. At the beginning of the situation, I thought, "The weather is so lovely. This would be a great time to try to go car-free for a bit!" Marriner suggested that I reset the odometer today and see how few miles I drive in the next two week. So I did. When Marriner called from work that he was getting kicked out and the lab was shutting down, I pushed the odometer as I took off to pick him up. He drove the car yesterday, in case he needed to bring all his work-remotely stuff home, but they said they weren't going to shut the lab down, so he biked today. And guess what - they called his op-too-much-ism. So I drove up to bring him and all his work junk home. (He calls them "samples", but they look like scrap metal to me...ha ha).

Going to the store was like entering the war zone. We'd heard it was crazy out there, but it's almost a week since the announcement that everything was shutting down, and I sorta thought things would be back in stock by now. Nope. I got about half the things on my list. And no potatoes. I'd heard that from someone else, but I wanted to make mashed potatoes, darn. I'd made a menu for the week before I left, and about half the things on the menu are missing items. I was a little shocked that even a well-prepared girl like me is having to adapt to the situation. We might actually be living off our food storage to some degree here! So, tomorrow I'll go change my menu to have fewer fresh veggies and more storage items. Oh, and add cabbage - they had lots of cabbage, and it was on sale, too. And I like cabbage! Alas for the rest of my family...

School is keeping the kids busy, except Sam. They're all staying busy the full 4 hours we have scheduled. But at 2pm, Sam has a date with his grandpa to play chess every day, and some of the kids are less productive during that time. They have a hard time letting him make bad decisions :) Grandpa just got back from Europe and is in quarantine for 14 days, so we're glad he has time to hang out with Sam, even if it's not ideal circumstances.

As more and more of the country shuts down, more and more people are doing things virtually to reduce isolation. I'm starting to feel bad that we're not going to be able to do all of them! Here are some of my favorite things I've seen lately:

  • The Deaf community is posting #operationASLstorytime videos for kids.
  • Mo Willems (who wrote my favorite kids book, "Nanette's Baguette", is doing a "Lunch Doodle with Mo Willems" video every day.
  • A local meteorologist is doing weather lessons for kids every day.
  • Someone posted a list of museums that have free virtual tours you can take.
  • The guy who does the voice for Olaf is reading a kids story every night
I mean, we could stay busy with all this stuff, except we have to do school work, too. Yup, day 2 of homeschool, and even homeschooling gets in the way of my lifestyle. Lame. :)

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