Saturday, October 6, 2018

When there's no peace on earth...

This week has been full of a big public event. Brett Kavanaugh, who was appointed to the US Supreme Court, was accused of raping someone 30 years ago. This was an item of discussion among my friends, and the more I discussed it and listened to their own stories of men and boys behaving badly toward them, the more I became convinced that we shouldn't have a Supreme Court justice who had this sort of character. Even if the accusation was false, it had brought out some other character flaws that concerned me.

It really frustrated me to see a bunch of other old rich white men willing to overlook his flaws and confirm him for whatever political reasons they saw. It bothered me to see senators of my same religious beliefs doing things that I saw in opposition to my perception of what Christ taught. On Friday, I was a really angry woman. I called my mom to vent. I avoided the newspaper all day to try to get away from it. But I was still really angry.

Somewhere in the midst of this, I realized that oh my goodness, General Conference was TOMORROW! It was like a rescue rope tossed to me. Today could be crazy. Saturday, the US Senate could make a huge mistake. But I wouldn't be there - I would be focused on hearing the words of the Prophet.

The song popped into my head. "When there's no peace on earth, there is peace in Christ."

And today was FABULOUS! The things going on in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are wonderful! They're full of the Spirit! The old men who lead the church aren't selfish, they're not motivated by any political expediency. They're not following anyone except the one perfect being who ever lived. Wow! What a contrast!

Sometime during the day, a friend mentioned that she'd seen that Judge Kavanaugh had been confirmed. But my brain wasn't willing to go back to that. It was busy being engaged in the Kingdom of God.

Elder Raspband talked today about if you stand in holy places you won't fear the things happening in the world. And I really felt that because I was living it at the moment! I was grateful that I'd been able to find a holy place to find my comfort and peace.

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