Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Slava Ukraini

With Russia's invasion of Ukraine, I just want to acknowledge the special place Ukraine has in our hearts. It was there that Marriner learned sign language. It was there God began preparing our family, before our family existed. It was there Marriner (sorta) served as Branch President for the first time.

(It wasn't very long...or very official...but we still enjoy joking about it.)

Marriner's mission companion, Elder Leonhardt (because your mission companions are always Elder and Sister) contacted Marriner this week. He's been called to coordinate refugee assistance for members of the church fleeing Ukraine, and asked Marriner to help spread his contact information to anyone he was in contact with who had fled. At first, Marriner thought he didn't know anyone, his contacts were few and staying put. But he realized that very few people would know any of the deaf members - the branch was dissolved shortly after Marriner left. So he took some vacation time one day, pulled out his pictures, tried to remember names and looked people up on FB and Linked-In. Elder Leonhardt messaged him the next day thanking him - he'd had several people contact him and say Elder Merrill had contacted them. It was a sweet experience to feel the influence of the Spirit as Marriner tried to remember names and faces from over 20 years ago! And it was hilarious to see him trying to remember Russian Sign Language! And it was such a relief to be able to do SOMETHING to help. 

Slava Ukraini. We love you!

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