Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Singing time yoga

 In my continued search for singing time activities that we can do without using hands, I found another hilarious and fun one: Singing Time Yoga!

We learned the song "Help me, Dear Father" to go with the theme of forgiveness. The ASL video of the song falls under the category of "Unfortunately recorded in the '80's." But I was impressed that none of the kids even mentioned it. To me, anyway. Maybe they mentioned it to their parents later on when they were complained to their parents about how ridiculous Sister Merrill is lately :) 

We drew pieces of paper from a jar with different yoga poses on them. We did poses you can do with just your feet: staff pose, lotus pose, eagle pose, tree pose, warrior pose....The kids weren't very good at it, but it kept their attention. By far the best part was the two dads who taught senior primary. The sisters who taught junior primary were wiser and just enjoyed watching. :) 

I did not think about the fact that I was going to get to do yoga twice in a row - by the end of singing time, I was hot and sweaty! Couldn't decide if that was a little too rambunctious for the Sabbath, or if I should go home and cheer for exercising. :) 

I am truly enjoying our new explorations in using technology and activity to learn songs. I'm a little worried I'll run out of ideas, and have a rebellion from the kids. But I think we'll make it. After all, we only have 6 months until my current 11-yr olds graduate, and then I don't have any 11 year olds next year at all. (I'm sure all of my readers have heard me lament about how a kid can be my friend from when they're 3 all the way to 10, and then suddenly when they're 11, they are just way. too. cool. for me. It's tough. But then they leave, and they're suddenly my friend again.)

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