Thursday, March 18, 2021

My older children had their international music debut yesterday. They were seen performing by millions of people all over the world! Pretty exciting!

Ok, so it was only for like 10 seconds. But it was a really exciting 10 seconds! You can see them in "Hope of Israel" starting a little after minute 59. 

So now be honest - how many of my kids did you see in the song? Because as soon as the song was over, we started getting messages from friends, who had seen anywhere between 1 and 4...

The correct answer is 3. Lige, Ellis and Lillian were there with another girl from a different branch or ward. And then Lillian came one another time toward the end. Which I think was what a lot of people saw, because most of the people who messaged me after the broadcast said, "I saw Lillian!" or, "Was that Lillian I just saw?"

The kids had gone to the church for a watch party, so when they got home, I laughingly told them about the funny thing going on. Just then, my phone buzzed, and the message was literally, "It was so cool to see Lillian in the music festival!" This from one of Lige's good friends who's moved across the country. Then we got a voice mail from Grandma that someone in her ward had told her one of her grandkids was in the music festival. It was late, and we laughed like we were watching Monty Python waaayyyy past midnight. Marriner decided to put it to the test. He took a screenshot of the kids:

He texted it to his siblings with the caption, "Lillian did such a great job in the Youth Music Festival tonight!" And we watched the responses come back. "Wow!", "Great job!"....finally, the next morning, one sibling was bold enough to ask, "Wait, I'm confused...aren't 3 of your kids in the song?" 

So of course, we had to make a meme to commemorate the hilarious (and fun) day:

Then I hugged Lillian good night (oh wait, I have other children?) and we all slept very well :)


Seriously, though, yesterday was a tough day at school. By the end of the day, I'd made 3 kids cry, and 3 kids had made me mad enough to take an unscheduled walk around the neighborhood. Ending the day laughing our heads off was medicine for the soul. So thanks, everyone who contributed to that :)

My favorite part of the song, though, was that they had President Nelson performing with them - how cool is that, that they got to sing with the prophet? Did that just make anyone else geek out? We have the coolest prophet!

1 comment:

  1. I'm entertained that all 4 signers are on a differnt sign in that screen shot.
