Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Name sign difficulties

We gave our kids name signs a long time ago. It was long before we joined the branch, or had any Deaf friends. We just needed names for our kids, and so we gave them some.

Usually, a sign name should be given by a Deaf person. We knew that. But, some of our Deaf friends have been very kind to point out, parents have the prerogative to name their own kids. So we don't feel too bad about it. Still, some of our picks are a little unusual, and confuse people sometimes.

So, now that we're a little smarter, we're thinking about changing some of our kids' name signs.

A lot of families will have a family theme. For example, each kid's initial on the same part of the face. Like tapping their initial on the chin or the cheekbone. In our family, Ellis's name sign is our favorite - an E on the chin, like the sign for "mom" with an E. (If you know Ellis, you can guess why she got that sign! She loves being the mom!!)

So, I had this thought yesterday that we could do all our kids on the chin. And it could be so awesome, because an L under the chin means "pogi" in the Philippines - pogi means guwapo. Hot stuff. All that and a bag of chips. Perfect sign for Lige!

pogi sign 25 Things That Only Filipinos Would Understand

See! Isn't that a pogi fellow ^^ :)

So, I showed it to Marriner. His face immediately showed that it wasn't a great idea. I was so let down! Why not, I asked.

Well, in ASL it means Lesbian.

Oh well. Guess we'll let that one go.

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