Thursday, June 27, 2019

The signs you wish you never had to use...

We had a party at Activity Days yesterday! It was an obstacle course, and it was super-fun. Other than the trampoline accident after the party, we had a blast. We had popsicles and a closing prayer before everyone went home.

Looking back, I'm shocked this hasn't happened yet in the year and a half we've been doing Activity Days. It's just so obvious, given a bunch of little boys who know their parents can't hear them. Any group of 4 boys would do the same thing. Boys! Ah!

Someone let loose the biggest fart I've ever heard in the middle of the prayer.

These guys are good - they know how to giggle and talk without moving around a lot so their parents (who are all watching the prayer) won't see them. :)

Finally, I had to stop the prayer and address the problem. Because there are some times when you just shouldn't be trying to talk to God :) Of course, even though the kids and I all knew why we were stopping and trying again, I had to explain to everyone else. And that was when I was grateful I'd seen the sign for fart.



Gotta add to this story. I texted the mom of the boy who got hurt on the trampoline yesterday to make sure he was ok. We were worried he might have gotten a bit of a concussion. She said he was fine, which she credits to the prayer of faith that opened our activity. I'd totally forgotten about the opening prayer! The prayer, in its entirety, was:

"Father, bless that nobody will die on the trampoline, Amen."


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