Monday, April 1, 2019

"I'll say it in sign language"

From earlier in the week:

We all sat down to dinner, and Martha was invited to bless the food. She announces, "I'll say it in sign language." We then spend (what seems like) 5 minutes getting everyone adjusted so everyone can see her. Martha has observed that it's easier for people to see you if you stand up and make sure you're not in front of anyone (if you're standing in a circle) so she stands up and steps back. But now the person next to her can't see her, so we make her move forward. Then we move the milk jug so the person across the table can see her. We turn her facing more toward the middle of the table, instead of straight across from her. She points two fingers toward herself to ask, "Can everyone see me now?" Mom and Dad think, but don't say, because we're not horrible parents, "Yes, just say the prayer already!"

Finally, satisfied that everyone can see her, she bows her head and prays.

In English.

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