Tuesday, May 9, 2023


 Summer is almost here. Change is in the air. Lige's last day of school is Friday, he's working on his mission papers. We're talking about whether he should stay in the branch for summer or transfer to the YSA ward. Ellis got her drivers licence. Sam is starting to think about getting the Aaronic Priesthood in 7 months, and how he's going to need to understand ASL at a new level when he gets there. Martha realized the other day that she's not bad at understanding ASL, and has been paying a lot more attention than she used to. I mean, you know, at an 8 year old level still. :) 

I'm looking forward to the end of seminary. I love it, and I love my class, and we're having a great time....and I sorta have a lot going on right now, and a couple of months to focus on some other things sounds lovely. Having two real callings is more of a balancing act than I thought it would be. Primary doesn't take a lot of organizing and coordinating - just show up and teach your class, or plan your activity. Relief Society is the opposite. Help people with ministering, figure out what to do with the Temple/Family History committee, involve other people in planning activities, help with self-reliance needs, teach lessons, conduct classes...it's not like it's even so much more to do, it's just more to keep on top of, more mental energy to not forget something. So, I'll be glad to take a little break from seminary and have some time to focus on RS, and getting myself in a groove there...hopefully!

We had a beautiful baptism on Sunday, a woman named Kimberly who just brought a beautiful spirit to the whole day. After the baptism, I was part of a funny conversation that I wanted to write somewhere, because it will make me laugh for a long time. :) Michael was talking to someone, and I happened to look over and see him sign, "Excuse me, I need to grab President Merrill really quick, I need his help to change my life." I took a second to think if I'd misunderstood, but I was pretty sure I'd seen it right....finally, I jumped in, "Did you say change your life?" Michael nodded yes, very casually...then the lightbulb turned on - the sign for life and address are the same. He needed to change in address in the church system, he'd recently moved. Ahhh! It all makes sense now!

(Though, of course, if you want to change your life, talking to your branch president is a great idea.)

(And Marriner was able to tell him how to get his address changed, too. A man of so many skills.)

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