Thursday, January 19, 2023

Not kidding, I have a new calling.

 Well, it's been a long time. I just spent 5+ years in the same calling (essentially), and I loved it so much. And I was finally getting good at what I did. I know, I've said that every year for every calling. It turns out that there's always more to learn and more ways to grow. But really, that last day of Primary - we had everyone really engaged, and they were such angels, and I thought of all the times they were bouncing off the walls...we've come so far. But now they get to learn from someone else!

I was supposed to be called 2 weeks ago, but something happened to postpone the branch business. This week was a BAD week for it. First off, we had to leave RIGHT after church to get Lillian to her orchestra concert. We don't love Sunday orchestra performances, but we feel like uplifting community events that don't take our mind off the Savior are sometimes important in an area where not everyone feels the same as us about keeping the Sabbath day holy. So as long as they don't interrupt church, we participate. ANYWAY, we had to leave right after church, no pausing to chat, no quick I-have-a-questions in the hall. The other reason it wasn't ideal was because I actually left Ellis home when we went to church. :) She was being quiet up in her room, and we just left without her. When we got to church, I found the text and 3 missed phone calls. But I couldn't go home and get her, I sorta needed to be on time for church that day. :) So in some ways, the whole thing was a little chaotic, and I needed a couple of days to settle down and start to think about what I'm going to do now!

I was called as Relief Society (RS) 2nd counselor. Interestingly, I didn't know if I was 1st or 2nd counselor until 2 days after I was sustained. I don't think Marriner knew, either. :) But I did know that I'm over Temple and Family History work, which makes me happy, because I like family history. And I've put in some work to get a basic level of competency. So I hope I have something to share. 

Later Sunday night, we had our first presidency meeting, and we started handing out assignments. I admit that about halfway through the meeting, I started to feel a little panic. I'm teaching seminary. I'm in a RS presidency. I wasn't replaced in Primary yet - so I'm sure some opportunities to sub there will come up. As the assignments mounted (and some of them not my favorite things to do) I began to feel a little in over my head! But then, a moment of sweet reassurance from the Spirit came to remind me that a.) seminary isn't my "calling", it's my "job" so it's not fair to count that, and b.) I can go forward in faith, and the Lord will help me. So I caught my breath, reminded myself to be faithful not fearful, and stuck up my hand for the next assignment. :) 

For 5 years, I've sort of stayed out of the world of deaf adults. My husband knows everyone and talks to everyone, but I just keep to myself and talk to the kids in Primary. I've loved being in Primary, but one recognized trade-off is that my ASL hasn't developed as much as it would have if I talked to adults more. And now, I suddenly get the chance to talk to adults, but yikes, I have to talk to adults! Despite all the last 5 years, I feel like an outsider or a new move-in all over again. It's going to take some faith to get going in this calling, instead of hiding under the covers and hoping someone will plan my activities for me!!

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