Monday, February 4, 2019

I guessed wrong.

One of the more unusual things about ASL is that one sign can mean a LOT of different things. Context, facial expression and use tell you what meaning is intended. And some of these double meanings don't immediately make sense to me, as an English speaker. For example, the same sign means "advise" or "cause" - it makes a difference whether I caused my kid to clean his room or just advised him to! Another one is "except" and "especially." Did I pray, "Please bless all my kids ESPECIALLY Jane" or "Please bless all my kids EXCEPT Jane." Yeah, these are the little nuances of language that make a good interpreter really important!

I'm getting better at these things, and I took a little leap of language that I thought would make sense. I wore a great looking dress yesterday, and a friend complimented it. I said, yes, it flatters my body type well.
Yeah, I guess flatter isn't used that way. The friend thought that was a funny joke and just cracked up.

Well, at least it was a good joke, and not just a bizarre thing to say :)

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